online video production / 9 posts found
‘The Force Awakens’
I know the cynics will be saying that a blog post about content creators piggybacking off of current new buzz stories whilst embedding the same video content is a blatant play at playing the same game…. and so that is is, but it is still awesome statistics that go with it. The new star wars ‘The Force Awakens’ second trailer amassed 88M Video Views for #TheForceAwakens in Just 4 Days These are serious numbers that prove trending topics are a great way to boost the profile of primary/secondary channels, regardless of the content you usually discuss. [svpVideo v=1][svpVideoReveal1 v=1]This next video is […]
Mini Food Pancake
The Mini Food pancake video I put in the top video content display is the latest in the viral trends in the youtube food video space I enjoy watching what is out there on the interwebs as it applies to the interests that I have, struth !!! I have even been sucked into a cat video or 2 🙂 As Carla Marshall over at The site wrote in her post Teeny-tiny versions of things work like a dream for viral video content, especially on social media, where the squeeeeee-factor can drive engagement right off the charts. A hugely popular addition […]
Using PondFX Video Background Tool
How many time do you hear people say “I never watch the ads” well somebody is telling porkies cos these numbers for watched youTube ads tell a lot different story Every one of the 10 most watched videos ads on YouTube in the U.S. for August 2014 generated over 1 million views, with the top ad attracting an incredible 8 million Collaborations between brands and YouTube creators resulted in a #3 spot for the Fine Bros and the NHTSA, with their 9 minute “Teens React to Drunk Driving” clip. The average length of the video ads featured in this […]
New Apple iphone final leaks and rumours
Okay so we know the iPhone 6 is out and there is lots of talk about what it is capable of. Here we are only interested in its capacity as a video content tool creating Niche Web Videos for fun and profit. I posted the video below for the fact he has really good in depth content on the make up of the iphone 6 that I though was great information as learning content. But what does it mean for Video marketers Resolution: 1080p HD resolution (rear camera) 720p (front facing) now at 30 FPS or at 60 FPS. […]