Youtube video / 11 posts found
Youtube Versus Facebook Video views
A great content source and and knowledge can be found over at as well as the podcast content you get up to date information from the crew who are in the trenches using the tools and tips they talk about Credits: How-to Get the Most YouTube Video Views Via Facebook [#TubeTalk #54] Facebook give prominence to posts with videos uploaded directly to Facebook. After Facebook-native video, Facebook gives secondary importance to posts with images uploaded directly to Facebook. After native images, Facebook prioritizes text-only posts. At the lowest priority, Facebook prioritizes posts with a YouTube link. Andy […]
YouTube subscription
I learned a great new tip yesterday from a local guy Mick Cullen who has a Youtube channel ‘redcliffelabs’ It is something you can put in place in under 5 mins with a great payoff. If you have a YouTube channel you are probably linking straight to it from your website or by posting the link on Facebook/Twitter from time to time. If you swap out your current link for the URL in the format: (replace with your YouTube channel name) Then when people click on the link not only will they go to your YouTube channel but they […]
Using PondFX Video Background Tool
How many time do you hear people say “I never watch the ads” well somebody is telling porkies cos these numbers for watched youTube ads tell a lot different story Every one of the 10 most watched videos ads on YouTube in the U.S. for August 2014 generated over 1 million views, with the top ad attracting an incredible 8 million Collaborations between brands and YouTube creators resulted in a #3 spot for the Fine Bros and the NHTSA, with their 9 minute “Teens React to Drunk Driving” clip. The average length of the video ads featured in this […]
Muvizu 3d animation
I enjoy the creativity that comes with technology and the possibilities when couple with the imagination. Muvizu is one of those programs that bring the art of 3D animation into the realm of anybody with a decent computer and some time to invest in the learning curve that comes with an program that needs to be learned. It is a lot of fun though at the same time time an effort to get some of the features to manipulate like you want, hence the time that needs to be put into getting it looking good. As a video that […]