Video Marketing / 34 posts found
Mini Food Pancake
The Mini Food pancake video I put in the top video content display is the latest in the viral trends in the youtube food video space I enjoy watching what is out there on the interwebs as it applies to the interests that I have, struth !!! I have even been sucked into a cat video or 2 🙂 As Carla Marshall over at The site wrote in her post Teeny-tiny versions of things work like a dream for viral video content, especially on social media, where the squeeeeee-factor can drive engagement right off the charts. A hugely popular addition […]
Video Marketing is about the story
We hear plenty of comment about the need for the the script to appeal to the buyer and message to market match but what ever you are doing video marketing is about the story. You can be selling what ever product you want but you have to engage through emotion and connection this is a great example of the tribal connection feeling being enacted through a well presented story and captured with a relevancy of the day. If you head over to Marketing Mag you can see some other great example of brands using great story telling to market their […]
Video Walk On Presenters
Video walk on presenters are not a new item of bling brought to the world of video marketing, they have been around for awhile. What has changed is the display and effectiveness [bz9_webmaster_tools saved=”1751″ /] [svpVideo v=1][svpVideoReveal1 v=1] The truth is that you only have a very short time to engage the curiosity and interest of the mind behind the eyeballs that have arrived on your site. If the visitor is annoyed by the walk on presenter then you are going to get a back button click and they are gone. If you make sure the walk on presenter can be useful […]
Amazon S3 Tutorials
If you are like me you are always looking to keep the costs under control with streaming and storing media files. I am a great fan and user of Amazon S3 for delivery and storage of all my media files from podcast to pdf and including secure video streaming files as well. As you would know…….as a video marketer reliable and fast delivery is very important to having a successful campaign outcome. If the content in the video below resonates take up the offer and we will talk later.