Livestreaming with manycam adding media files
Livestreaming with manycam adding media files
When ManyCam is your video source you can use your webcam with multiple applications and websites simultaneously.
ManyCam 5.3 is now released for Windows users! they have made some improvements that should enhance video streams, chats and calls, I will let you know how it goes.
They say they have resolved audio / video sync issues, fixed various bugs, and improved stability & performance to create an even better experience and added MJPEG support for HD webcams to increase FPS to help make your video stream as smooth as possible.
I am still have audio sync problems so I will let you know how I go with it.
The new Custom Watermarks feature allows you to upload multiple personalized watermarks and broadcast them to your favorite web applications. You can choose to promote your website on one web application, your blog on another,
With more and more search and entertainment being conducted through mobile search and streaming video marketing messages need to have and be video friendly and relevant to consumer demands.