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Video killed the Social Media Stars

Video killed the Social Media Stars

by Russell

Okay so I am having fun here but when I see a great parody video such as this, it reinforces to me the absolute power of video to get across a story.

 This is what you should me remembering when you are putting together a message,  no matter if it is a commercial message or a fun thing you want to share on somebodies facebook wall.  if you have a fun quick video added to it and is relevent enough to get some sort of reaction you will get your message accross.

 You cannot do that in 140 characters with a twitter blast that is gone of a timeline quicker then an olympian off the starting blocks.


The video comes out of the crew over at http://www.thepoke.co.uk/  there headline is time well wasted.    Biggest takeaway here is when you look at the site  and see the number of viewers they are getting 

video curation

You have to remember this site is basic Curation of content from other sources just adding there own comic spin. The BIGGEST noteworthy takeaway is it is all VIDEO or IMAGES …..DUH… did somebody say  Nichewebvideo is a great content for any form of getting noticed.

 I am not bagging social media but there is some funny stuff in this video.  





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